Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Door to Realization

What is realization? What do I have to do? Why am I here?
Don't tell me that I have to have a family, kids, a good career and die happily when the time comes. No, I feel that there is something beyond that. I feel that there is something around us. But I don't know yet how to get in contact with "IT". It's like this something is watching me all the time, creates challenges for me, laughs at me when I struggle and fail. I don't feel controlled, but I'm feeling myself challenged every day. Maybe it is what other call "God", or maybe it is another dimension, or maybe it is the "Inside". I don't know yet. I'm searching a lot for the door that will reveal "the real" to me. I feel so close to it, many times, but still I couldn't touch it.

Am I the only one like this? Do you feel the same? Or I am just crazy...

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