Tuesday, May 22, 2007

You know, I can go with you

Once, I was just walking in the city, admiring the buildings and the sun light reflecting on them, the green and gray colors, breathing the fresh air of the morning.

It was some sort of celebration in the city and a lot of people from out of state were there.

At a stop light a woman asked me where is the S. hotel. I happened to know where because I stayed once there. So I start explaining her how to get there. It wasn't simple, take right take a left, go until there, take a left take a right... I noticed how she got lost in my explanations and suddenly I realized I don't have a target in my walking and I could just walk her to the hotel. So I offered to walk with her to the hotel and everything stopped at that point. She quickly thanked and turned her back and left.

I only offered to get her there, nothing else. Didn't mean to scare her away. Ooops.

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