Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Path

Two men were once lost in a forest on a very dark night. It was a very dangerous forest, full of wild animals, very dense, with darkness all around. Suddenly, there was a storm, a crashing of the clouds, and a great lightning. One man looked at the sky amazed, wondering “What is happening? This is fascinating!”. The other man looked at the path; in that moment of lightning, the path was before him, illuminated; and he followed it. The man looking at the lighting missed the path.

In life, sometimes a flash of lightning comes – look at the path and act. A Jesus is a lightning, a Buddha is a lightning. Don’t look at the lightning; if you look, you will miss, because lightning lasts only for a moment and those moments are rare. Let the lightning and the learning that comes with it penetrate you and then forget it. Through the learning the path is illuminated but you must act, you must do something. You must follow the path.

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